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Organizing Spices: 10 Ways To Keep Spices Organized Organizing Spices: 10 Ways To Keep Spices Organized

Interior Design

Organizing Spices: 10 Ways To Keep Spices Organized

Written by: Sophia Turner

Looking for ways to keep your spices organized? Check out these 10 interior design tips for organizing spices and say goodbye to cluttered spice cabinets.

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Welcome to the world of interior design, where creativity meets functionality to transform spaces into stunning reflections of personal style. One aspect of interior design that often gets overlooked but plays a crucial role in creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing space is organizing. One area that can quickly become cluttered if not properly organized is the spice collection.

Spices are an essential part of any kitchen, adding flavor and depth to our favorite dishes. However, without proper organization, they can quickly become a chaotic mess, making it difficult to find the right spice when you need it. That’s where smart and efficient spice organization comes in.

In this article, we will explore ten creative and practical ways to keep your spices organized. From spice racks to drawer organizers and magnetic spice jars, we will cover a range of options to suit different kitchen setups and personal preferences. So let’s dive in and discover the art of organizing spices!

Key Takeaways:

  • Transform your kitchen with 10 creative spice organization methods, from stylish spice racks to space-saving magnetic jars. Enjoy a clutter-free cooking experience with visually appealing and efficient spice storage solutions.
  • Elevate your cooking space by organizing spices in airtight containers and utilizing lazy Susans. Embrace DIY storage solutions and alphabetical order for a well-arranged and accessible spice collection.

Spice Racks

Spice racks are a classic and timeless solution for organizing spices. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, allowing you to choose one that complements your kitchen decor. Whether you prefer a wall-mounted spice rack or a countertop option, there is a spice rack to suit every space.

When selecting a spice rack, consider the number of spices you have and the available space in your kitchen. If you have a large spice collection, opt for a rack with multiple tiers or shelves. This will ensure that all your spices are easily accessible and visible.

For smaller kitchens, vertical spice racks that can be mounted on the inside of cabinet doors are a great space-saving option. They make use of often-underutilized areas and keep your spices organized and within reach.

Additionally, some spice racks come with built-in labels or allow you to add your own labels. This can be helpful for quickly identifying spices and maintaining an organized collection.

Remember to keep your spice rack well-organized by arranging your spices in a logical order. You can categorize them alphabetically, by cuisine, or even by frequency of use. This will make it easier to locate the spice you need while cooking and will ensure that your spice rack remains tidy and efficient.

Spice racks are not only functional but also provide an opportunity to add a decorative element to your kitchen. Look for racks made from aesthetically pleasing materials, such as wood or stainless steel, that can enhance the overall look of your space.

In summary, spice racks are a versatile and stylish solution for organizing your spices. They come in various sizes and styles, making it easy to find one that fits your kitchen layout and personal taste. By keeping your spice rack well-arranged and labeled, you can say goodbye to rummaging through a cluttered cabinet and hello to a seamless and enjoyable cooking experience.

Drawer Organizers

If you prefer to keep your spices hidden from view or if you have limited counter space, drawer organizers offer a practical and efficient solution. Drawer organizers are designed specifically for keeping small items tidy and easily accessible.

When it comes to organizing spices in drawers, there are a few different approaches you can take. One option is to use individual spice jars or containers that can fit into the compartments of the drawer organizer. This allows you to customize the arrangement and easily see and access each spice.

Another option is to use larger containers to store multiple spices together. For example, you can use a shallow, rectangular container to hold all your baking spices or a deeper container for your frequently used spices. This method is especially helpful if you have a large collection of spices and want to minimize the clutter.

When arranging spices in a drawer organizer, consider organizing them based on frequency of use or by category. Keep the spices you use most often at the front of the drawer for easy access. You can also utilize labels or colored lids to quickly identify different spices.

Drawer organizers not only help keep your spices organized, but they can also protect them from sunlight and moisture. This can prolong the shelf life of your spices and maintain their freshness.

Most drawer organizers are made of durable materials such as plastic or bamboo, ensuring they can withstand frequent use and keep your spices well-organized for years to come. They can be easily cleaned and are a great option for those looking for a sleek and minimalist solution to spice organization.

In summary, drawer organizers provide a space-saving and organized solution for storing spices. With their customizable compartments and options for individual or grouped containers, you can arrange your spices in a way that suits your needs. By utilizing labels and organizing based on frequency of use or category, you can easily locate and access your spices in a clutter-free drawer.

Magnetic Spice Jars

Looking to add a modern and innovative touch to your spice organization? Consider using magnetic spice jars. These unique containers are designed with magnetic bottoms, allowing them to stick to any magnetic surface, such as the side of your refrigerator or a metal backsplash.

Magnetic spice jars not only provide a convenient and space-saving solution but also add a decorative element to your kitchen. They come in a variety of styles, sizes, and materials, so you can choose the ones that best suit your taste and kitchen decor.

One of the advantages of using magnetic spice jars is their visibility. By placing them on a vertical surface like the side of your fridge, you can easily see all your spices at a glance, making it easy to find and grab the one you need while cooking.

When using magnetic spice jars, it’s important to label them to avoid confusion. You can use pre-printed labels or simply write the names of the spices on the lids using a marker. This will ensure that you can quickly identify each spice and keep your collection well-organized.

If you have a large spice collection, magnetic spice jars may not be the most practical option. However, you can still incorporate them as a decorative element by using a few select jars with your most frequently used spices.

Another benefit of magnetic spice jars is that they are easily movable. If you decide to rearrange your kitchen or want to take your spices to your outdoor cooking area, you can simply detach the jars and reposition them without any hassle.

When selecting magnetic spice jars, look for ones with a strong magnet to ensure they stay securely in place. Some jars come with see-through lids or transparent sides, allowing you to see the contents without opening them.

In summary, magnetic spice jars offer a unique and stylish way to organize your spices. With their magnetic bottoms, they can be easily stuck to any magnetic surface, providing a space-saving solution that also enhances the visual appeal of your kitchen. By labeling the jars and arranging them in a systematic manner, you can have a beautifully organized spice collection right at your fingertips.

Wall-Mounted Spice Storage

If you’re short on counter and drawer space or want to make a statement with your spice organization, wall-mounted spice storage is a fantastic option. This method allows you to utilize vertical wall space in your kitchen while keeping your spices easily accessible and visible.

There are several types of wall-mounted spice storage options to choose from. One popular choice is a wall-mounted spice rack or shelf. These racks typically feature multiple levels or shelves where you can neatly arrange your spice jars or containers. Some racks even come with built-in hooks for hanging measuring spoons or other utensils.

Another option is to use magnetic strips or metal plates on your kitchen wall. Simply attach magnetic strips to the wall, and your spice jars with magnetic bottoms will easily stick to them. This method provides a sleek and minimalist look while keeping your spices within arm’s reach.

An advantage of wall-mounted spice storage is that it keeps your spices at eye level, making it easy to see and access each spice. This eliminates the need to rummage through cabinets or drawers and saves valuable time when cooking.

When setting up wall-mounted spice storage, consider the layout of your kitchen and choose a location that is both convenient and visually appealing. You can create a focal point by arranging your spice jars in an aesthetically pleasing manner or by using jars of different shapes and sizes.

Labeling your spice jars is essential for maintaining an organized collection. You can use pre-made labels or get creative by using chalkboard labels that allow you to easily change the names of spices as needed.

Wall-mounted spice storage not only serves a functional purpose but can also be a statement piece in your kitchen decor. Choose a style and material that complements the overall aesthetics of your space, whether it’s a sleek stainless-steel rack or a rustic wooden shelf.

In summary, wall-mounted spice storage is a visually appealing and space-saving solution for organizing your spices. Whether you opt for a wall-mounted rack or magnetic strips, this method ensures that your spices are easily accessible and adds a decorative element to your kitchen. By arranging your spices in an organized and visually pleasing manner, you can transform your spice collection into a beautiful display.

Tiered Spice Shelves

If you have a large collection of spices and want to maximize space while keeping them organized, tiered spice shelves are an excellent option. These shelves feature multiple tiers or levels, allowing you to stack and display your spice jars in a compact and efficient way.

Tiered spice shelves come in various forms, including freestanding shelves, countertop stands, and even revolving carousel-style organizers. Choose the style that suits your kitchen layout and personal preference.

The advantage of tiered spice shelves is that they provide clear visibility and easy access to all your spices. By having multiple levels, you can arrange your spices in a way that allows you to see each jar without having to move or shuffle them around.

When setting up a tiered spice shelf, consider organizing your spices in a logical order. You can categorize them alphabetically, by cuisine, or by frequency of use. This makes it easier to locate the spice you need and keeps your shelves well-arranged and clutter-free.

Another benefit of tiered spice shelves is that they can be easily placed on a countertop or inside a cabinet, depending on your kitchen’s available space. This makes them a versatile option for any kitchen size or layout.

When selecting tiered spice shelves, opt for sturdy and durable materials that can withstand the weight of your spice jars. Shelves made of wood, metal, or high-quality plastic are typically the most durable and long-lasting.

Labeling your spice jars is crucial for quick identification. You can use pre-printed labels or create your own using a label maker or adhesive labels. This ensures that you can easily find the spice you need without having to search through each jar.

Tiered spice shelves not only keep your spices organized but also add a decorative element to your kitchen. Look for shelves with an appealing design or ones that match your kitchen decor. This way, your spice collection becomes a visually pleasing focal point in your space.

In summary, tiered spice shelves are a practical and efficient solution for organizing a large spice collection. They provide clear visibility, easy access, and maximize space while adding a decorative element to your kitchen. By arranging your spices in a systematic order and labeling them, you can create a beautifully organized and functional spice display in your kitchen.

Use clear spice jars to easily see the contents and label them with the name and expiration date. This will help you quickly find what you need and know when it’s time to replace them.

Labeling and Categorizing Spices

When it comes to organizing spices, labeling and categorizing are key. Properly labeling your spice containers and categorizing them can make a world of difference in maintaining an organized and efficient spice collection.

The first step is to ensure that each spice container is labeled with its name. This eliminates any confusion and helps you quickly find the spice you need when cooking. You can use pre-made labels, label makers, or simply write the names of the spices directly on the containers.

In addition to labeling, categorizing your spices can also streamline the organization process. You can categorize spices based on cuisines (such as Indian, Mexican, or Italian), types of dishes (such as baking spices, herbs, or blends), or even by frequency of use.

Organizing spices by category makes it easier to locate the spices you need for specific recipes or types of cooking. It also enables you to quickly identify any spices that may need replenishing.

There are several ways to categorize your spices. You can use separators or dividers within drawers or shelves to create designated sections for each category. Alternatively, you can use color-coded labels or lids to indicate different categories.

Whether you choose to categorize alphabetically, by cuisine, or in another way, consistency is key. Stick to your chosen system and ensure that each spice is placed in the correct category. This will help maintain an organized and efficient spice collection over time.

For those with a large spice collection, consider creating a spice inventory. This can be a list or spreadsheet that includes the names of your spices, their categories, and even the date of purchase. An inventory can help you keep track of your spices, identify any duplicates, and know when it’s time to replenish your stock.

Lastly, don’t forget to update your labels and spice organization periodically. As your spice collection evolves and you discover new spices, make sure to adjust your labeling and categorization system accordingly. This will ensure that your spice collection remains well-organized and efficient.

In summary, labeling and categorizing spices are essential for maintaining an organized spice collection. Properly labeled containers help you quickly find the spice you need, while categorizing spices makes it easier to locate specific spices for different types of cooking. By establishing a labeling and categorization system that suits your needs and updating it regularly, you can enjoy a well-organized and efficient spice collection.

Utilizing Lazy Susans

When it comes to organizing your spices, Lazy Susans are a game-changer. Lazy Susans are rotating platforms that allow for easy access to items placed on them. They are incredibly useful for organizing spices, as they eliminate the need to reach to the back of cabinets or shuffle through a cluster of spice jars.

Lazy Susans are available in various sizes and styles, making them suitable for different cabinet or countertop spaces. You can choose from circular or rectangular Lazy Susans, depending on the shape of your storage area.

To utilize a Lazy Susan for spice organization, start by gathering your spice jars or containers. Place them on the Lazy Susan, ensuring they are secure and won’t roll off. You can arrange them in a neat circle or line, depending on the size and shape of your spice collection.

Using a Lazy Susan for spice organization not only makes it easier to access your spices but also maximizes the use of space in your cabinets or on your countertop. You can place larger jars or containers towards the back and smaller ones towards the front, ensuring that every spice is visible and within reach.

If you prefer a more organized look, consider using a tiered Lazy Susan. These have multiple levels, allowing you to separate your spices by category or alphabetical order. This makes it even easier to find the spice you need with just a quick spin.

Labeling your spice jars is essential to maintain an organized spice collection on a Lazy Susan. You can opt for pre-made labels or create your own using adhesive labels or a label maker. Be sure to label the lids or sides of the containers for quick identification.

One of the benefits of using a Lazy Susan for spice organization is that it can be easily cleaned. If any spices spill or jar contents become messy, you can simply rotate the Lazy Susan and wipe it clean without disturbing the arrangement of your spices.

Not limited to just spices, Lazy Susans can also be used to organize other kitchen items such as oils, vinegars, or frequently used condiments. By utilizing the rotating feature of a Lazy Susan, you can easily access these items while cooking and ensure that your kitchen remains well-organized.

To sum it up, utilizing Lazy Susans for spice organization is a practical and efficient solution. They provide easy access to all your spices, maximize space utilization, and can be cleaned with ease. Whether you opt for a regular or tiered Lazy Susan, be sure to label your spice jars for quick identification. Embrace the convenience and functionality that Lazy Susans offer to maintain an organized spice collection in your kitchen.

DIY Spice Storage Solutions

If you’re feeling creative and want to add a personal touch to your spice organization, DIY spice storage solutions are the way to go. These homemade storage ideas allow you to repurpose items you already have or create custom storage solutions that fit your unique needs and style.

One DIY spice storage idea is to repurpose small glass jars or containers. You can collect empty baby food jars, mason jars, or even small jelly jars. Clean them thoroughly, remove any labels, and use them to store your spices. To add a touch of creativity, you can paint the lids using chalkboard paint and write the names of the spices on them.

Another DIY option is to create your own spice rack using materials like wood or sheet metal. You can build a small rack with individual compartments to hold each spice jar or create a wall-mounted shelf with slots for your spices to slide into. This allows you to customize the size and design to fit your available space.

If you’re short on space, consider creating a hidden spice storage solution. You can attach small magnetized containers to the inside of a cabinet door or the side of your refrigerator. This keeps your spices easily accessible while keeping them out of sight.

For a rustic and charming look, repurpose old wooden crates or pallets. Attach hooks or small shelves inside the crates or pallets to hold your spice jars. This DIY option not only provides an organized storage solution but also adds a unique decorative element to your kitchen.

If you’re a fan of upcycling, consider using an old spice tin or tea tin to store your spices. Clean it thoroughly, remove any remaining tea or spice residue, and fill it with your own spice collection. This adds a vintage and eclectic touch to your spice organization.

Don’t forget about labeling your DIY spice storage solutions. You can use pre-made labels or create your own using adhesive labels and a label maker. This ensures that your spices are clearly labeled and easily identifiable.

One of the advantages of DIY spice storage solutions is that you can tailor them to your specific needs and available space. They allow you to think outside the box and come up with unique ways to organize your spices.

Remember to assess the practicality of your DIY storage solutions. Ensure that they keep your spices easily accessible, visible, and well-organized. Regularly clean and maintain your DIY spice storage to keep it functioning effectively.

In summary, DIY spice storage solutions offer a chance to get creative and craft storage options that suit your style and needs. Whether repurposing glass jars, constructing a custom spice rack, or using unconventional containers, there are endless possibilities for personalized spice organization. So unleash your creativity and enjoy the satisfaction of having a beautifully organized spice collection!

Store Spices in Airtight Containers

When it comes to preserving the freshness and flavor of your spices, storing them in airtight containers is essential. Airtight containers create a barrier against air, moisture, and light, helping to maintain the quality of your spices for a longer period of time.

Opting for airtight containers ensures that your spices remain free from contaminants and prevent moisture from seeping in. This is particularly important for ground spices, as moisture can cause them to clump or lose their potency.

There are various options for airtight spice containers available. Glass jars with screw-top lids or containers with silicone seals are popular choices. Make sure the lids fit tightly to create a proper seal and prevent any air or moisture from entering.

When transferring spices to airtight containers, be sure to label them with the spice name and the date of purchase. This helps you keep track of the freshness of your spices and know when it’s time to replenish them.

Properly storing spices in airtight containers also helps to keep them safe and protected from pests. Certain spices can attract insects, and transferring them to secure containers can prevent infestations.

For bulk spices, consider using larger airtight containers. Mason jars or food-grade plastic containers with screw-top lids are great options. These containers not only keep your spices fresh but also allow for easy scooping or measuring when needed.

Aside from the practical benefits, storing spices in airtight containers also creates a visually appealing and organized spice collection. Clear glass jars or transparent containers allow you to see the vibrant colors of your spices, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your kitchen.

Remember to keep your airtight spice containers in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to heat and light can cause spices to lose their flavor and potency more quickly.

In summary, storing spices in airtight containers is vital for maintaining their freshness and flavor. Airtight containers provide a protective barrier against air, moisture, and light, ensuring that your spices remain potent for longer. With proper labeling and storage in a cool, dry location, you can enjoy a well-preserved and organized spice collection.

Keeping Spices in Alphabetical Order

Organizing your spices in alphabetical order is a simple yet effective method to keep your spice collection well-arranged and easy to navigate. This approach allows you to quickly locate the spice you need, saving you time and effort while cooking.

One of the benefits of organizing spices alphabetically is that it provides a natural order that is easy to follow. You don’t have to think about categories or types of spices; you simply arrange them based on their names.

To begin organizing your spices alphabetically, start by taking an inventory of your spice collection. Take note of each spice’s name and make sure they are correctly labeled. This will help you identify any duplicates or missing spices.

Next, find an appropriate storage solution that accommodates alphabetical organization. This can be a spice rack, drawer organizer, or any other storage option that allows you to easily arrange your spices in order.

When placing your spices in alphabetical order, keep in mind that numbers typically come before letters. For example, the spice “5-Spice Powder” will be placed before “Allspice.”

For spices with common prefixes, such as “ground” or “whole,” you have a couple of options. You can choose to ignore the prefix and alphabetize by the main spice name. Alternatively, you can decide to alphabetize based on the prefix and then the main spice name.

Maintaining alphabetical order requires consistency. Whenever you purchase new spices or use existing ones, make sure to place them in their appropriate spot based on alphabetical order.

An additional tip to consider is to use dividers or separators to visually separate the spices. This allows for easier navigation when searching for a specific spice.

Organizing your spices alphabetically not only improves functionality but also enhances the visual appeal of your spice collection. A neatly arranged spice collection adds a sense of order and cleanliness to your kitchen.

Keep in mind that organizing spices alphabetically may not be suitable for everyone, especially if you have a large collection or prefer to categorize by cuisine or type. Ultimately, it is important to find the organization method that works best for you.

In summary, organizing spices in alphabetical order provides a straightforward and efficient way to locate spices in your collection. By taking an inventory, finding suitable storage solutions, and maintaining consistency, you can establish and enjoy the benefits of a well-arranged spice collection.


Organizing your spice collection is an essential aspect of maintaining an efficient and well-functioning kitchen. By implementing the right storage solutions and organization techniques, you can save time, reduce clutter, and enhance the overall visual appeal of your cooking space.

In this article, we explored ten different methods for keeping spices organized. From spice racks and drawer organizers to magnetic spice jars and wall-mounted storage, there are options to suit every kitchen layout and personal preference. Each method offers its own unique benefits and can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

We also discussed the importance of labeling and categorizing spices. Clear and consistent labeling ensures that you can easily identify each spice, while categorization allows for efficient and quick access to spices based on your cooking needs. Whether you choose to categorize by cuisine, type, or alphabetical order, finding an organizational system that works for you is key.

Additionally, we highlighted the advantages of storing spices in airtight containers. Airtight containers help preserve the flavor and freshness of your spices by protecting them from air, moisture, and light. It’s crucial to choose quality containers that create a tight seal and to store them in a cool, dry place to maximize shelf life.

We also explored the creative possibilities of DIY spice storage solutions and the convenience of utilizing lazy Susans. DIY storage solutions allow you to infuse your personal style into your spice organization, while lazy Susans offer easy accessibility and maximize space utilization.

Finally, we discussed the benefits of keeping spices in alphabetical order. Alphabetical organization provides a natural and intuitive order that simplifies the process of locating spices. With consistency and attention to detail, an alphabetical spice collection ensures efficiency and ease in the kitchen.

In conclusion, organizing your spice collection is not only about tidiness but also about enhancing your overall cooking experience. By implementing these ten methods, you can create a well-arranged and visually appealing spice collection that caters to your unique culinary needs. So, don’t underestimate the power of a well-organized spice collection in transforming your kitchen into a functional and enjoyable space.

Frequently Asked Questions about Organizing Spices: 10 Ways To Keep Spices Organized

What are some creative ways to organize spices in a small kitchen?

Some creative ways to organize spices in a small kitchen include using magnetic spice jars on the refrigerator, creating a DIY spice rack using test tubes and a wooden board, or utilizing a hanging spice organizer on the inside of a cabinet door.
How can I make my spice organization system visually appealing?

To make your spice organization system visually appealing, consider using uniform spice jars with clear labels, arranging them in a rainbow color order, or incorporating decorative containers and labels that match your kitchen decor.
What are some space-saving solutions for organizing a large spice collection?

Space-saving solutions for organizing a large spice collection include using tiered spice racks that can be placed in a cabinet or on a countertop, utilizing a pull-out spice drawer insert, or investing in a rotating spice carousel for easy access to all your spices.
Are there any unconventional ways to store spices in a pantry or cabinet?

Yes, some unconventional ways to store spices in a pantry or cabinet include using a hanging shoe organizer with clear pockets, repurposing a letter organizer to hold spice jars, or using stackable spice tins that can be easily labeled and stored.
How can I prevent my spices from clumping or losing their flavor over time?

To prevent spices from clumping or losing their flavor, store them in a cool, dark place away from heat and moisture, use airtight containers to keep them fresh, and consider investing in a spice grinder to freshly grind whole spices as needed.

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