Home>Interior Design>How To Organize A Closet Without Buying Anything: 6 Tricks

How To Organize A Closet Without Buying Anything: 6 Tricks How To Organize A Closet Without Buying Anything: 6 Tricks

Interior Design

How To Organize A Closet Without Buying Anything: 6 Tricks

Written by: Olivia Parker

Learn how to transform your closet without spending a dime. Discover 6 innovative tricks for organizing your space with this interior-design guide.

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Having an organized closet is essential for a stress-free and efficient morning routine. However, the thought of reorganizing your closet may be daunting, especially if you don’t want to spend a fortune on fancy organizers or storage systems. The good news is, you don’t have to! With a few creative tricks and a little bit of effort, you can transform your cluttered closet into a functional and beautifully organized space without buying anything new.

In this article, we will share six practical and budget-friendly tricks to help you organize your closet without spending a dime. From decluttering and sorting to utilizing vertical space and maximizing shelf space, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and give your closet the makeover it deserves!

Key Takeaways:

  • Transform your cluttered closet into a functional and beautifully organized space without spending a dime. Declutter, utilize vertical space, and get creative with storage solutions to maximize your closet’s potential.
  • By implementing creative tricks like decluttering, utilizing vertical space, and repurposing everyday items, you can achieve a well-organized and efficient closet without breaking the bank.

Trick 1: Decluttering and Sorting

The first step to organizing your closet without buying anything is to declutter and sort through your belongings. Begin by taking everything out of your closet and assess each item individually. Ask yourself if you really need it, if it still fits, and if it brings you joy. Be ruthless in letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

As you go through each item, create three piles: keep, donate/sell, and discard. The keep pile should only include items that you regularly wear and love. The donate/sell pile is for items that are in good condition but no longer serve you. Consider selling these items online or donating them to a local charity. The discard pile is for items that are damaged or no longer usable.

Once you have decluttered, it’s time to sort through your keep pile. Categorize your clothing by type, such as tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear. This will make it easier to find what you need when getting ready in the morning. You can further organize each category by color or season, depending on your preferences.

Remember, the key to a well-organized closet is to only keep items that you truly love and use regularly. By decluttering and sorting, you’ll create more space in your closet and eliminate the need for additional storage solutions.

Trick 2: Utilizing Vertical Space

When organizing your closet without buying anything new, one of the most effective tricks is to maximize your use of vertical space. Many closets have unused space above the hanging rod, which can be utilized to store items such as bags, hats, or folded clothing.

To take advantage of vertical space, consider using hanging organizers or fabric shelves. These can be easily hung from the closet rod and provide additional storage compartments for your belongings. You can use them to store accessories like scarves, belts, or even shoes. Alternatively, you can repurpose items you already have, such as shoeboxes or storage bins, and stack them vertically on the closet floor to create storage towers.

Another way to maximize vertical space is by using tension rods. Install a tension rod horizontally near the top of your closet, and use it to hang lightweight items like tank tops, ties, or handbags. This creates extra hanging space while keeping everything easily accessible.

Don’t forget about the back of the closet door as well. Hanging a shoe organizer or an over-the-door rack can provide additional space for storing shoes, small accessories, or even folded clothes.

By utilizing vertical space in your closet, you’ll make the most of the available storage without needing to purchase any new organizers.

Trick 3: Maximizing Shelf Space

When organizing a closet without buying anything new, it’s important to make the most of the existing shelf space. Follow these tips to maximize your shelf space:

First, assess the height of your shelves. If there is a significant amount of unused space above your folded clothing or items, consider adding additional shelving by repurposing shoeboxes, sturdy cardboard boxes, or storage bins. Simply place them on the shelf to create adjustable compartments for better organization.

Another way to optimize shelf space is by using shelf dividers. These can be found in many homes and are perfect for keeping stacks of clothing or accessories neatly separated and organized. If you don’t have shelf dividers, you can create DIY dividers using pieces of cardboard or even old magazine holders.

Additionally, consider using folding techniques that optimize space. For example, instead of folding sweaters and bulky items flat, try folding them vertically – this way, you can see all of your options at once and avoid stacking them horizontally, which can take up much more space.

Lastly, make use of the empty spaces in between items on each shelf. Rather than leaving these spaces unused, fill them with smaller items like socks, underwear, or accessories by placing them in fabric pouches or small storage containers. Not only will this help keep your closet organized, but it will also make it easier to find what you need.

By maximizing your shelf space through strategic placement and the use of dividers and folding techniques, you can greatly improve the accessibility and organization of your closet.

Use vertical space by hanging multiple items on a single hanger using soda can tabs. This will help maximize space without buying any additional storage solutions.

Trick 4: Using Hooks and Hangers Effectively

When organizing your closet without buying anything new, utilizing hooks and hangers effectively can make a significant difference in maximizing your storage space. Here are some tips:

First, take advantage of the vertical space on the walls of your closet by installing hooks. These hooks can be used to hang items such as handbags, belts, or even jewelry. You can also hang lightweight clothing items like scarves or hats. By utilizing the wall space, you free up valuable shelf or hanging space for other items.

Next, optimize your hanger usage. Swap out bulky plastic or wooden hangers for slim velvet or felt hangers. These take up less space and prevent clothes from slipping off. Additionally, consider using cascading hangers to hang multiple items on a single hanger. This is especially useful for items like skirts or pants.

If you have limited hanging space, try utilizing the inside of your closet door. Install an over-the-door hook rack and use it to hang items like jackets, robes, or frequently worn accessories like scarves or hats. This keeps them easily accessible while maximizing space.

Another useful trick is to use S-hooks or shower curtain rings on your existing hanging rod. This allows you to hang multiple items like tank tops, ties, or even belts, without taking up extra space. Simply slide the S-hook or shower curtain ring over the rod and hang your items.

By effectively using hooks to maximize wall space and choosing the right hangers for your clothing, you can significantly improve the organization and functionality of your closet without spending a dime.

Trick 5: Folding and Rolling Techniques

Proper folding and rolling techniques can be game-changers when it comes to maximizing space in your closet. These methods not only save space but also make it easier to see and access your clothing. Here are some folding and rolling tricks:

Start by mastering the art of the KonMari folding method. This technique involves folding your clothing into compact rectangles that can be easily stacked. Instead of stacking your clothes horizontally, fold them vertically and arrange them in rows. This way, you can see all your options at a glance without disrupting the entire stack.

Apply the KonMari folding method to items like t-shirts, sweaters, jeans, and even towels. With this method, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can fit in your drawers and on your shelves.

For bulkier items like hoodies and sweatshirts, consider using a rolling technique. Instead of folding them flat, roll them tightly from top to bottom. This not only saves space but also helps reduce wrinkles and makes it easier to retrieve the item without disturbing the rest of the stack.

When it comes to socks and underwear, try using the Marie Kondo-inspired method of folding them into neat little rectangles. Stack them vertically in a drawer, similar to how you would arrange files in a filing cabinet. By doing so, you’ll be able to see and access each individual item without having to dig through a messy pile.

By utilizing these folding and rolling techniques, you’ll be able to maximize the use of your closet space, keep your items organized, and make it easier to find what you need when getting dressed.

Trick 6: Creative Storage Solutions

When organizing your closet without buying anything new, thinking outside the box and utilizing creative storage solutions can make a world of difference. Here are some ideas:

Repurpose items you already have. Look around your home for unused or underutilized storage containers that can be repurposed in your closet. For example, shoeboxes can be transformed into drawer dividers or used to store small accessories. Use mason jars or empty candle jars to store jewelry or other small items. Get creative and think about how you can repurpose items to suit your storage needs.

Take advantage of the space under your hanging clothes by using hanging shoe organizers. These organizers typically have multiple pockets that can be used to store shoes, accessories, or even folded clothing items like t-shirts or socks. Hang the organizer on the closet rod for easy access.

If you have a spare set of bookshelves or small cabinets, consider placing them inside your closet to create additional storage space. These can be used to store folded clothing, shoes, or even bags. Make sure to utilize both the shelves and the space underneath them.

Utilize the space on your closet door by attaching adhesive hooks or small baskets. This can be a great spot for hanging scarves, belts, or hats. Baskets can hold small accessories like gloves or sunglasses. Make sure to choose slim and lightweight options that won’t interfere with opening and closing the door.

If your closet has enough space, consider adding a tension rod near the bottom to create an extra hanging space. This can be used for items like skirts, dresses, or even belts. Simply adjust the tension rod to fit the width of your closet and hang your items.

Finally, consider using vacuum-sealed storage bags for seasonal clothing or bulky items. This can save a significant amount of space and keep your items protected from dust and pests. Once you’ve sealed the bags, they can be stored under your bed or in an unused corner of your closet.

By thinking creatively and finding innovative ways to repurpose items, you can create additional storage solutions without spending any money. These ideas will help you maximize your closet space and keep everything organized and accessible.


Organizing your closet doesn’t have to be a costly endeavor. By utilizing the tricks and techniques outlined in this article, you can transform your cluttered and disorganized closet into a functional and visually appealing space without spending a dime. From decluttering and sorting to maximizing vertical space, leveraging shelf space, and using hooks and hangers effectively, there are numerous strategies you can employ to create an organized and efficient closet.

Remember, the key to a well-organized closet is to evaluate each item and only keep what you truly need and love. By decluttering and sorting through your belongings, you can eliminate unnecessary items and create more space. Additionally, optimizing vertical space by utilizing hanging organizers, shelves, and hooks allows you to store more items without overcrowding your closet.

Maximizing shelf space through strategic folding techniques, shelf dividers, and utilizing small storage containers ensures that every inch of space is used efficiently. Effective use of hooks and hangers helps keep items easily accessible and prevents clutter. Finally, get creative with storage solutions by repurposing everyday items and thinking outside the box.

By implementing these tricks and techniques, you can create a well-organized and functional closet that suits your needs. Not only will an organized closet save you time and energy in the morning, but it will also reduce stress and help you feel more in control of your space.

So, roll up your sleeves, put on your favorite music, and start transforming your closet. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can achieve a beautifully organized closet without breaking the bank.

Frequently Asked Questions about How To Organize A Closet Without Buying Anything: 6 Tricks

What are some creative ways to organize a closet without buying anything?

Some creative ways to organize a closet without buying anything include using empty shoeboxes as drawer dividers, repurposing old hangers for accessories, and using tension rods to create additional hanging space for clothes.
Can I make use of everyday items to help organize my closet?

Yes, you can make use of everyday items to help organize your closet. For example, you can use shower curtain rings to hang scarves or belts, or use a wine rack to store handbags or clutches.
How can I maximize space in a small closet without purchasing additional storage solutions?

To maximize space in a small closet without purchasing additional storage solutions, you can utilize the back of the closet door for hanging shoe organizers or hooks for bags and accessories. You can also fold and stack clothes vertically to make the most of shelf space.
Are there any DIY solutions for organizing a closet that don’t require buying new products?

Yes, there are several DIY solutions for organizing a closet that don’t require buying new products. You can repurpose old crates or baskets as storage bins, use cardboard tubes to keep boots upright, or even create your own custom-sized drawer dividers using cardboard and tape.
How can I maintain an organized closet without constantly buying new organizational products?

To maintain an organized closet without constantly buying new organizational products, it’s important to regularly declutter and reevaluate the items in your closet. Additionally, establishing a habit of putting things back in their designated places after use can help maintain organization without the need for constant purchases.

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